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Koncert samospevov: Mateja Potočnik, Klemen Gorenšek in Sascha el Mouissi

22. november 2022, ob 19:30
Ljubljana, Viteška dvorana v Križankah



Koncert samospevov: Mateja Potočnik, Klemen Gorenšek in Sascha el Mouissi

22. november 2022, ob 19:30
Ljubljana, Viteška dvorana v Križankah

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With this "Liederabend", an art-songs recital Mateja Potočnik, soprano and pianist Urška Štrekelj present their program "Light and Darkness".

“The eternal stars shine out as soon as it is dark enough.” (Thomas Carlyle) Light and Darkness — as if one cannot be without the other. Either there are both or none of them; as if these eternal extremes were part of the Earth, its cyclical and thus human nature. Light and dark, hot and cold, war and peace, life and death, love and hate, hunger and gluttony, wealth and poverty, good and evil, heaven and hell, physical and spiritual, fidelity and adultery, trust and jealousy, justice and injustice — contrasts we keep reflecting on; states we would rather avoid; feelings we struggle to explain, but which have us project both the good (light) and the bad (dark) side of our being.


Figurentheatertage 2021 4. - 10. November (Theatermuseum Wien)

"A little review of MOŽ! at the FIGURENTHEATERTAGE - he and his alter ego bravely defended themselves against all kinds of crawling animals, bats and a vampire. We say goodbye to the little man (this is roughly how MOŽ! Can be translated), the theater group Gledališče DELA / Theater WORKS, its inventor Tea Kovše and Mateja Potočnik-Soprano, who accompanied the two performances with her singing. How is it going to go on with him? One can be curious!"

"The little hero MOŽ! has traumatizing experiences and isolation! This made him mentally ill. Yesterday at the FIGURENTHEATERTAGE we were able to share in his fate and witness how he rocked away into another world ... Mateja Potočnik-Soprano accompanied him with one of the most touching arias in opera literature, "O mio babbino caro" by Giacomo Puccini. Experience for yourself how the MOŽ! fights with the vampire and he blames it for his condition."

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Puppet opera DRACULA- (MOŽ! is sick)

Meet operatic soprano Mateja Potočnik in a puppet opera MOŽ! is sick, where she will sing the world's most beautiful opera arias- check out her schedule. Experience for yourself how the MOŽ! fights with the vampire and he blames it for his condition."

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CONCERT REVIEW, SLOVENIA (Prevalje), 16.08.21

"Soprano Mateja Potočnik, accompanied by pianist Urška Štrekelj, impressed with Slovenian songs by Benjamin Ipavec, Prelovec, Pavčič and Mašek." 

"Thirty Mohorjan's musical years, thirty years of independent Slovenia, 170 years of Mohor's society, all these anniversaries were connected by the Mohorjan Cultural Society from Prevalje in last night's gala concert, which impressed visitors with selected performers and an excellent program." 

"...great names of Slovenian music performed in front of the audience, who also receive many awards on European and world stages."

"We listened to a music program for music connoisseurs at the parish church. "

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"Svetloba in tema" 

Samospevi Schuberta, Straussa, Berga, Wagnerja, Tschaikowskega, Rachmaninoffa, Lajovica, Maška

Mateja Potočnik, sopran

Thomas V. Johnson, klavir


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Simfonični orkester Domžale-Kamnik nas je z glasbo popeljal v praznične dni že 49. leto zapored

V petek, 27. decembra, je v Športni dvorani Domžale potekal že 49. tradicionalni Novoletni koncert Simfoničnega orkestra Domžale – Kamnik z dirigentom Slavenom Kulenovićem.

Kot vedno je napolnil dvorano in navdušil vse obiskovalce s tokratnim glasbenim izborom, ki je bil razpet med živahnimi operetnimi melodijami in eksotičnimi plesi v simfoničnih preoblekah ruskih mojstrov.  Koncert sta še dodatno popestrila solista sopranistka Mateja Potočnik ter tenorist Gregor Ravnik.

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"Glasbena matica Ljubljana prireja koncertni cikel Pevski obeti in pričakovanja. V njem se predstavljajo mladi pevci, ki stopajo na umetniško pot. V sredo, 8. novembra 2017, sta v polni Viteški dvorani v ljubljanskih Križankah predstavila obetavna solopevca, Mateja Potočnik, sopran in Klemen Gorenšek basbariton. Na klavirju ju je spremljal Sasha el Mouissi. Zapela sta samospeve A. Berga, F. Schuberta, R. Schumana, R. Straussa, H. Wolfa, J. K. L. Loeweja, S. Rachmaninova, L. Lebiča, L. M. Škerjanca, A. Lajovica, B. Ipavca, J, Pavčiča in F. Gerbiča."


"Poslušalci so z dolgimi aplavzi nagradili njuno glasbeno dovršeno prepevanje- čestitsmo."                                                                                                                                                                                  Jožko Kert

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